We cut the hole!
Demps wasn't a fan of the skil-saw...I don't blame him, that sucker was LOUD in the coop!
I'm hoping my idea is as clever as I think it is (I've been having issues with this concept lately!) I used an old doggie door we had lying around and can easily close it up tight at night. My only concern would be that the girls might get too big to fit through?! Not sure, I'm still new to chicken raising but hubby thought it was a good idea! =) And eventually we'll trim it out so that black tar-paper isn't so darn ugly looking! =)
We built a ramp so they can get outside and then Demps proudly showed our favorite "Squirrel" how to use the door and ramp. She's such a patient and gentle little hen!
Then the others started to figure it out too! I am so proud of these girls!
We're introducing the girls to the dog and one of the cats. So far Lily (Our older black lab) isn't sure what to think and is actually a bit afraid of the hens. Our tom-cat Little Buddy is sure they'd make a good supper. He's quite the hunter and is definitely on the prowl for fresh chicken meat. I'll be keeping my eye on him! Zoe (our lab puppy) is with Little Buddy on this one and sees the hens as a fancy feast. She remains tied up on her leash during the day as she keeps trying to jump the fence and attack the girls. (NOT acceptable behavior!) The other cats just circle the fencing but haven't yet figured a way to get into the run so for now we're all safe. In the end we'd like them all to co-mingle nicely and all be free to roam the property. I've become very attached to these hens and would be sad if anything happened to them.
In the recent days Geezer has started roosting on one of the poles and they're all laying around as if they want to lay an egg or something. We're all waiting anxiously for that exciting time to arrive. I don't believe I've ever actually eaten a truly farm fresh egg. I'm so excited! =)
Of course the picture of Pierce inspecting the area was a must to include in this post.
Of course the picture of Pierce inspecting the area was a must to include in this post.